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In ancient Greek times ‘school’ meant: Being free, have nothing to do...
It was probably very stimulating in those days. Together, under a clear blue sky, staring in the distance and query the values of life, personal growth or future ambitions.
In today's times, it is a little bit different... We're always busy, busy, busy ... That’s why I’m pleased that the stimulearning group is committed to bring professionals together around issues that matter. I feel greatly honored that this group of people asked me to reflect upon the question, "What would you put in the backpack of your children for the future?"
I brought this question on to the virtual table in the Linkedin group of Stimulearning. This question made the LinkedIn group a few weeks a real hotspot of the new work – learning environment.
In this kind of reflection I always ask myself numerous questions: How did this process occur? How do I get more of this? How can we stimulate each other with fun questions / fun statements / or dilemmas that intrigue? Or was it a lucky shot? A one-time beauty score just like the soccer player lbrahimovitch did in the game between Sweden and England?
But still if it was a lucky shot, the delicate beauty of a lucky shot is that more people get stimulated to try and do things…and sometimes with a lot of success. Think Mexes who made a quite similar goal in the champions league AC Milan - Anderlecht.
While reflecting with myself I try to get an insight on what I think that made this moment as stimulating as it was. In my perspective it is about: asking a curious question with the following ingredients:
· Involvement of a future image and involving those (children) who really matter to us.
· Seduce people to short answers (does not take long) and no further obligations
· Free choice of participation
In my opinion knowledge is never an egg needed to be hatched. So sharing is the key!
For example: If you think you know something about a particular topic, you have a form of knowledge. By sharing this knowledge, you create expectations… You expect a kind of reply, feedback or discussion.
But isn’t a surprise something that you get if you do not expect something?
So my conclusion is that surprise or astonishment arises by releasing knowledge and by the way you open yourself to every new learning-living day...
So my conclusion is that surprise or astonishment arises by releasing knowledge and by the way you open yourself to every new learning-living day...
These are the most common answers and a few quotes that touched me deeply...
Top 5 Values for our children’s backpack for the future:
Confidence, Resilience, True to yourself, Perseverance, Empathy
Other where:
Positivism, Open Mindedness, perspective, Communication, reflection skills,
Self-reliance, Compassion, Humor, giving love to others and flexibility.
Self-reliance, Compassion, Humor, giving love to others and flexibility.
See the positive in setbacks, but keep in mind that you can’t change everything.
Regarding to the positive quality, I would like to say to my children: see life as a box of opportunities. Of course there are threats. But learn to reframe and discover new oxygen to grow and evolve. This is for me the most wonderful way of thinking and acting.
What I want to give my children is the freedom to choose and the possibility
to lean on me in hard times.
My children remind me that I use to sit with them and show them job adverts in papers like the London Times and Guardian and say, you can choose all which job you like. I have a belief that everything is up for grabs if we try. My children all ended up with Their Own businesses.
Children learn from what others (their parents) do, so DO yourself what you want to give them.
Comments still welcome on the LinkedIn group of Stimulearning or
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